Mountain Chic offers premium real estate in selected locations throughout the Swiss Alps - primarily in Davos and Klosters - finished with exclusive furnishings that lend each property its own distinct style.

Our aim is to create homes not only with prestige, but also with character. While fully-furnished for immediate occupation, our homes are designed to give their owners lasting pleasure over many years to come.

Each object emerges as a unique entity, individually designed with custom-made fittings and decorated in a modern, but elegant alpine style. Every piece of furniture is hand-picked, painstakingly crafted by local carpenters or – as with all the accessories – sourced from trade fairs, shops and boutiques around the globe.

Throughout the whole process, we place the utmost importance on using natural, carefully-selected materials and textiles, which blend in perfect harmony with the object itself, as well as with the mountain surroundings. The vast experience of our contractors and local tradesmen is invaluable.

Mountain Chic Fournished Homes Davos Klosters